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Clive Stafford Smith is a British solicitor who specialises civil rights and working against the death penalty in the United States. He has worked to overturn death sentences and helped to found the Louisiana Capital Assistance Centre in New Orleans. He was a founding board member of the Gulf Region Advocacy Centre based in Houston. He has represented more than 100 of the detainees held as enemy combatants since 2002 at the US Guantanamo Bay detention camp and is the Legal Director of the UK branch of Reprieve. Expert witnesses have played a vital part in many to the matters he has been involved in and their opinions matter.


by Alec Samuels

Beverley Addison comments on a recent personal injury case which included an award of damages for the cost of future surrogacy arrangements to a patient who lost her fertility due to negligent NHS cancer treatment.

Dr Belinda Stuart-Moonlight provides an insight into litigation involving food safety

The Christmas festivities are over, and as the dark days of winter are stretching out ahead of us, GP Surgeries in the UK are expecting a surge in patients over the Winter months. The NHS is also bracing itself for one of the worst Flu outbreaks in its history. This is also not good news for employers, who may see their workforce hit by illness and unable to work or worse still, feigning a bug to get a day off work.

by Dr Andrew Hale & Dr Malgosia Kwilman-Klelund - Surrey Psychologists